Sounds of St. Louis
From Intimate to Monumental, St. 路易斯音乐会场地提供任何你喜欢的现场音乐
从爵士,蓝调和灵魂乐到摇滚和嘻哈,十大最大的网络彩票平台斯的艺术家们诞生并管理着伟大的音乐流派, 今天十大彩票网赌平台的扬声器中播放的是什么. 几十年来,盖特威城一直是音乐活动的中心,十大彩票网赌平台不希望这种情况改变.
从约翰尼·约翰逊和查克·贝里的摇滚乐创制,到迈尔斯·戴维斯的爵士乐演变,再到亨利·汤森(Henry Townsend)——他是唯一一位在他生命的80年里创作过布鲁斯唱片的美国艺术家之一. Louis] has a really storied history; it’s an important part of American music but a lesser-told story,” Chris Hansen, executive director of Kranzberg Arts Foundation 音乐在十字路口的首席制作人,说. “We’re not known for one sound like a lot of other manufactured cities; we’re really rooted in the foundation of American music.”
St. 路易斯对《十大彩票网赌平台》的影响是巨大的. Our history and our heritage create the foundation from which we continue to grow, innovate, create and set trends.
全球巨星和崭露头角的艺人纷纷涌向十大最大的网络彩票平台斯,因为它的多样化,最先进的场地,热情的观众和令人振奋的氛围. 越来越多的艺术家也选择住在圣. Louis.
When it comes to the arts, “St. Louis is a city that punches way above its weight,” Andrew Jorgensen, general director of Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, says. Don’t take our word for it, though. Come and see for yourself.
无论你是想在一个亲密的环境中寻找现场表演,还是在一个巨大的舞台上寻找令人眼花缭乱的奇观, St. Louis will keep you entertained. The region also hosts annual music festivals with tunes for every melophile.
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Intimate Music Venues
Fun – and live music – happen 365 days a year at 19世纪60年代的酒吧、游戏室和硬壳咖啡馆. Open daily from 11 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.热闹的闹市位于市中心 Soulard neighborhood. 当你在这里的时候,点一份著名的抓挠蟹肉饼,或者分享一份十大最大的网络彩票平台式披萨覆盖着高级配料.
Ballpark Village的中心聚集地,Bally Sports Live! 有两层两万平方英尺的娱乐空间吗. Here, 这一年以“热乡之夜”系列音乐会开始, 欢迎像李·布莱斯这样的艺术家, Niko Moon, Parmalee and Priscilla Block. 全年,其他音乐会涵盖流行,摇滚,电子和更多.
蓝莓山于1972年在德尔玛环路开业, as a welcoming hangout with music, food and pop culture memorabilia, 包括Pez糖果盒的收藏, Wurlitzer点唱机和Chuck Berry手工艺品. 查克·贝里,第一个入选岩石的人 & Roll Hall of Fame, was a good friend of owner Joe Edwards, 1997年,贝瑞在蓝莓山开设了传奇的现场音乐俱乐部“鸭子屋”,此后,他还连续209个月每月在这里演出一次,举办了一系列令人难忘的音乐会. Time your visit to this hallowed and historic setting to coincide with a show that excites you. 现场音乐表演每周有几个晚上举行,门票通常在10美元到25美元之间.
拥有新奥尔良风格的氛围,还有镇上最好的秋葵汤, 据一些当地人说,百老汇牡蛎酒吧每周七晚提供当地和全国的现场音乐表演. 从蓝调到放克,从根到雷鬼,从摇滚到R&B,在这个受人喜爱的派对宫殿里,大多数表演都是免费的.
Part entertainment venue, part urban winery, City Winery, which opened in March 2023, 旨在成为圣. Louis. The brainchild of Michael Dorf, 谁在2008年在纽约开了第一家店, City Winery delivers an indelible experience where guests can enjoy intimate performances, upscale dining and, of course, wine. In St. Louis, 城市酒庄可容纳225人进行现场表演, 多夫的目标是每年举办大约200场展览. With each ticket, you get a reserved seat, and throughout the show, you can enjoy tapas-style dishes and a variety of wine crafted with terroir in mind. Oenophiles can also preorder wine to have a bottle waiting at their table when they arrive.
德尔玛大厅的地下氛围吸引了各种兴趣的观众. 德尔玛大厅于2016年开业,是现代版的密西西比之夜俱乐部(密西西比之夜是一家深受喜爱的河边俱乐部,在经营了30年后于2007年关闭). Louis music scene. While you’re in town, 买一张音乐会的票——即使你不认识那个艺术家, 这个亲密场所的气氛保证会有一段美好的时光.
Famous for live music, delectable dishes and a beautiful patio, Hammerstone 's是历史悠久的苏拉德社区的中流砥柱. As bands play various styles of blues, 你可以在其中一个木制摊位享用精酿啤酒或招牌鸡尾酒.
拥有一个亲密的爵士表演空间 Grand Center Arts District, Jazz St. Louis is dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the uniquely American musical genre. 最初被称为爵士乐在小酒馆,爵士街. Louis began as a music series, presenting jazz musicians of national and international fame to small but rapt audiences. When founder Barbara Rose died in 1998, 吉恩·多布斯·布拉德福德被选为该组织的领导人, 他开始扩展俱乐部呈现的音乐风格,并建立教育和社区项目,这些项目现在已成为该组织不可分割的一部分. Today, 总裁兼首席执行官Victor Goines继续履行爵士圣的使命. Louis:聚焦独特和多样化的爵士表演者, preserve the shared cultural heritage embodied in jazz music and activate the local community. “(爵士乐)是打动我的音乐,”戈因斯说. “To me, [jazz] means the unexpected, and I love the unexpected; it means every day is a learning experience.” Check the club’s concert calendar to find a performance that moves you.
在1910年到1970年的大迁徙期间, more than six million Black Americans moved from the rural South to the urban Northeast, Midwest and West. 布鲁斯音乐家从密西西比三角洲向上游迁移, and in time, they established a unique St. Louis sound. 国家蓝调博物馆探索蓝调的历史,并将其视为所有现代美国音乐的基础. 以人工驱动的展品和高影响力为特色, technology-driven experiences, 这个博物馆对孩子和成年人都有一个很酷的因素. During your visit, 你甚至有机会写自己的布鲁斯歌曲,并添加一个吉他轨道-不需要弹奏技巧. On select evenings throughout the year, 国家蓝调博物馆还举办现场表演,吸引远近的音乐爱好者.
你不会找到很多像车库这样的地方. Aptly named, 音乐场地是一个破旧的停车场,共同所有者杰里米和瑞恩·宾克利认为这是第四街音乐拼图的另一块. Located next to The Honky Tonk, which the brothers opened in 2017, and a block from Broadway Oyster Bar, 车库增加了市中心的现场音乐阵容. 路易有值得注意的地方和地区的表演. As a bonus, 音乐区的所有场馆都不收门票, 所以你可以根据自己的心情从一个跳到另一个. 车库的音乐——周五和周六晚上9点开始播放.m. to 1 a.m. – leans country, but no matter the artist’s genre, 每一场演出的活力都弥漫在人群中. The space is wide open, 室内可容纳500人,室外可容纳250人, 这扩大了它可以举办的活动范围. Parking lines stripe the floor, 从墙壁到椽子的其他表面上的涂鸦给车库带来了一种真实而原始的氛围. At the bar, 在加入舞台前的人群之前,你可以拿起当地精酿啤酒的Tall Boys或知名烈酒的直接鸡尾酒.
由小提琴、吉他和鼓提供动力的Honky Tonk,让圣. Louis all weekend long. 这个纳什维尔风格的场地致力于现场乡村音乐, 从周四到周日举办当地和地区乐队的演出. 无论你是来镇上看布希体育场的棒球赛, 在企业中心举办音乐会,或者在美国中心和圆顶剧院举行会议, 如果不去酒吧,你的旅行就不算完整. “If you like country music, you’ll love The Honky Tonk,” co-owner Ryan Binkley says. “如果你不喜欢乡村音乐,你会喜欢观看人群.”
艺术无国界——这是谢耳朵的口头禅. Located in the Grand Center Arts District, the concert hall and art galleries is an inimitable pocket of creative experiences, 艺术家和观众之间的界限是无缝的吗. Hosting more than 350 events every year, The Sheldon presents a curated roster of the world’s musical and visual icons in St. Louis. 在这里观看演出会让你有一个故事可以讲.
Experience spectacular photography, live jazz, 手工美食和手工鸡尾酒在一个屋檐下. The Dark Room at The Grandel is a nonprofit concept designed to enhance community engagement, 鼓励对话和启发想法,同时支持St. Louis’ expanding artistic community. Operated by the Kranzberg Arts Foundation, The Dark Room’s unique gallery space spotlights emerging artists from across the country, 而它的舞台则欢迎着圣路易斯市一些最好的音乐家. Louis. 强调这一流派的精湛的即兴创作, 星期三晚上的爵士音乐会是免费的, family-friendly and open to the public. Other ticketed events fill up the venue’s calendar, celebrating the sounds of St. Louis.
舞后,铁皮屋顶播放音乐,你需要打破一个动作! In the main room, live performances include country hits, classic rock, emo songs and more, 而DJ则用嘻哈音乐控制着后面的舞池, R&B and house tracks.
Mid-Size Music Venues
由成熟的树木和精致的日落,切斯特菲尔德圆形剧场是一个隐藏的宝石在St. Louis area. 有固定和草坪座位的组合,最多可容纳4人,000 patrons, the outdoor amphitheater hosts a variety of musical acts throughout the spring and summer. 一年一度的开放公路音乐节在切斯特菲尔德露天剧场举行, 它也以欢迎大量的翻唱乐队而闻名,这些乐队慷慨激昂地向弗利特伍德Mac致敬, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Santana, Supertramp and other iconic artists.
鲍威尔大厅为迷人的新体验搭建了舞台. 路易斯交响乐团,正在进行翻新和扩建. 这项耗资约1亿美元的工程旨在保护这座有98年历史的建筑,并为子孙后代提升这座城市的财富. The revitalized Powell Hall will open in 2025 to coincide with the building’s centennial; in the meantime, you can see the St. 路易斯交响乐团在整个圣. Louis region. 这个世界著名的管弦乐团每年举办100多场演出, striving for artistic excellence, 教育影响和社区联系. 这是城里最好的现场音乐表演地点之一, and we’re sure that you’ll find a concert on the calendar that will properly serenade your soul.
拥有80多年生动的歌剧院历史, Stifel剧院至今仍延续着上演传奇事件的传统. Attracting the world’s finest performers, the 3,100-seat theater is often sold out. 过去的艺人包括玛丽亚·凯莉,爱丽丝·库珀,地球,风 & Fire, Florence + the Machine, Jason Isbell & 400部队,邦·艾弗,卡莉·皮尔斯和希尔,等等. Stifel剧院不断在其日程表上增加新的活动. What will you experience here?
Built on a foundation of rock ‘n’ roll, 工厂是一个新的娱乐和活动场所在区 Chesterfield. 场地占地52,000平方英尺,在设计时考虑到了表演者和观众. Inside and out, 工业风格的设计-以裸露的砖为特色, 风化的木材和金属灯具唤起了旧工厂和制造空间的形象, 为摇滚名人堂入选者巴迪·盖伊等众多艺术家的表演奠定了基调, 单口相声演员约翰·克里斯特和乡村音乐歌手蔡斯·赖斯.
A Taylor Swift-inspired dance party. An R&B-only musical event. The Emo Night Tour. 山楂树知道如何吸引热情的狂欢者. 位于新兴的市中心西部街区St. Louis, 开放式音乐厅和活动空间是多功能的, with more than 10,000 square feet, two full-service bars and rich character. Throughout the year, 希望山楂能举办高能量的音乐会, memorable fashion shows and family-friendly events – something for your entire brood.
As St. 路易斯继续书写着它的音乐史, The Pageant is making a name for itself as one of the best concert venues in town. Week after week, year after year, the venue brings great, sold-out shows to the area, and its distinct design creates a unique intimacy between performer and audience. 无论你站在哪里,从舞台到阳台,你都在离舞台70英尺的范围内.
Monumental Music Venues
Home of the St. 路易斯红雀队,布希体育场拥有46000名尖叫的棒球球迷 and music. 欢迎著名的名字,如比利·乔, Ed Sheeran, Kenny Chesney, Metallica, Morgan Wallen, Paul McCartney and U2, the retro-style stadium in downtown St. Louis is an epic place for a concert. From its three main seating decks, 音乐会的观众可以欣赏到这座城市的壮观景色, and all the concourses are open, 这样你就不会错过任何一个音符.
When the Saint Louis Billikens men’s and women’s basketball teams leave the court, Chaifetz Arena doesn’t go dark. 这个拥有10600个座位的体育场举办各种活动,包括音乐会. You can usually find affordable tickets, and after the encore, you can keep the party going at Armory STL or City Foundry这两家店都位于中城.
Whether the crowd is cheering for the St. 或者和他们最喜欢的艺术家一起唱歌, 企业中心总有一种电气化的气氛. A contemporary, 12层的玻璃和混凝土结构,拥有最先进的设施, 一流的设备和对质量和服务的前所未有的承诺, the venue seats 19,150 for hockey and almost 22,000 for basketball, 音乐会和其他活动与地板座位. 在全国名列前茅, 它吸引了大约200万游客到市中心. Louis every year. Its proximity to St. Louis Union Station 也给游客一流的景点,餐馆和设施享受在他们逗留期间.
跟随夏日的声音来到好莱坞赌场圆形剧场- St. Louis. 开业于1991年的河港圆形剧场,标志性的音乐会场地 Maryland Heights 已经迎来了一些音乐界的大腕——想想枪与玫瑰乐队, Whitney Houston, Van Halen, Coldplay, Nelly, Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, Green Day, Bon Jovi, Keith Urban, Jay-Z, 梦龙乐队和加斯·布鲁克斯,上台演出. 每个赛季都有新的令人兴奋的阵容, 便宜的草坪座位可能会让你一年看不止一场演出!
In the heart of downtown St. Louis, 美国中心的圆顶举办大型会议, trade shows and exhibitions, but we’re here for the live music, right?! Seating up to 67,000 people, 穹顶吸引了像泰勒·斯威夫特这样的杰出人物, The Rolling Stones, Beyoncé and Metallica.
想要细读所有在圣. Louis? Check our events calendar.